Life during pandemic

Well, hello! It’s been almost 7 months of the community quarantine in the country and a lot has happened. It still feels surreal that this pandemic is happening and we are still waiting to see that silver lining.

During the first few months, everyone was not allowed to go out except for essential activities such as going to the groceries, banks or medical stores. It has been a struggle for everyone especially those on the lower class. The government takes action but lately, they have been focusing on non-urgent and unimportant issues. Oh well.

So going back, a few months ago, we have been advised to report to work but through a skeleton workforce arrangement. All was good and I can’t even complain since they are providing the shuttle services from and to our houses. Until, Covid-19 cases have been identified in our office. It was alarming but at the same time we have no choice but to report to work, unless we consume our Fls, Vls and SLs, if you know what I mean.

Also, since it’s quarantine and we have a lot of time in our hands, have you also felt the need to do more? The feeling of “oh, I should not waste any time, I should do this, I should do that”. I’ve been in that state for months. I read books, do calligraphy, learn wordpress, learn stuff online. Of course, this was a good thing but I think we should take this easy. We deserve a rest.

Though we all have the time in our hands, it has also been a hard time to not be with your own family, at least for me who stays here in the metro. It has been almost 11 months since I went to our province. I don’t even know if I can go back home this December. Let’s see then.

For people like me who still has a job to support my daily living, I shouldn’t be complaining right? But I just can’t help it to also get stressed out of what’s happening today.

In this trying times, it is emotionally, psychologically and physically draining for everyone. I just hope everything will be alright sooner.

Thanks for reading! How about you? What are your thoughts on this matter? 🙂

Life is Magical

She had a chance and she couldn’t waste it, the chance to be with someone who believed in the extraordinary. She knew that no one else would listen to her with the same respect, because people were afraid of discovering that life was magical.

They were used to their houses, their jobs, their expectations, and if someone turned up saying that it was possible to travel in time, that it was possible to see castles adrift in the universe, people who had never experienced such things would feel that life had cheated them.

Life, as far as they were concerned, was the same every day, every night, every weekend.

📖 Brida by Paulo Coelho

You are what you think

You are the books you read,
the music you listen to,
the movies you watch,
the people you spend time with,
the conversations you engage in.

Choose wisely what you feed your mind.
When you are conscious about the kind of information you allow into your world,
It’s only a matter of time before your reality reflects your improved quality of thought.



We think we’re all different, but we’re all about the same. So we laugh and cry about the same things, relating to and agreeing with the same things. This song takes on a different perspective to everyday things we do, like saying goodbye to loved ones, pitying ourselves in exhaustion, holding back our loneliness, and pushing to always be happy...”


For whatever everyone is going through
I hope you find peace and love in your life.

The quiet kind that caresses your heart.
The intense kind that kindles sparks into flames.
I hope all the broken bits in you heal wonderfully.
I hope you grow and mature in safe spaces.
I hope you fill all the empty parts with self-love.

You are beautiful. You are important. You are enough.

– @itsjustambu

Perhaps The Words I Wish To Hear Most

“I now know, you must endure things you cannot endure, be worn out by the things you cannot accept, that there are nights when your eyes are brimming with tears. And daresay I know… what you’ve dreamt of, and what you’ve lost.”

“I place my hand on your forehead. You, have lived diligently. Please place a hand on my forehead too. The moment one person leaves their fingerprints on another forehead and comforts him, all the frivolous things fall by the wayside, and the silence we never took advantage of while we were engulfed with desire will embrace us.”

“You’ve, worked hard, to live, to survive, you’ve worked hard to get this far. I pray that the happiest moments of your life are yet to come.”

Excerpt from Jung Hee Jae’s Perhaps The Words I Wish To Hear Most